Philips 40PFK4509/12 TV set
Start the TV opening from the back side.
The back cover is fastened with sixteen Philips #2 screws (green marking).
Next, to obtain the plastic back cover, release manually fourty-two clips (no tools required).
Detach all eight connectors (red boxes) and rip off the tapes used to fix the cables to the metal casing.
To remove the PCBs loose the thirteen PH#2 screws (green boxes).
Next, release the two clips (highlighted in blue boxes) and remove the PCBs.
Using PH#2 screwdriver, loose six screws (green boxes).
Remove the Speakers.
To remove the front frame, loose twenty-seven PH#2.
Remove the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).
Using slotted screwdriver, begin to lever the twenty-three clips of the inner frame starting at the bottom of the TV.
Continue to work your way around the frame counterclockwise until you can pull the frame off.
Remove the polarized foils.
Using slotted screwdriver, loose the two clips (blue boxes). To access the backlight, remove the protective foil first.
Using PH#2 screwdriver, loose five screws per LED stripe (green boxes).
Manually disconnect the four cable connectors (red boxes) and separate each PCB.